Divine Protection

Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, (reverence and worship God), and delivers them.   Once while driving on a highway with four lanes in each direction, I felt I should ask my wife to pray. We must have driven about two minutes after she was through, when all of the vehicles came to an abrupt stop. I was in the fast lane at the time, and was easily able to stop. The person behind me was unable to safely stop, so she swerved her car off the road, and finally stopped level with my door handle, causing no damage. Had she hit us, her motor would possibly have been in our rear seat. We were delivered from extensive damage as well as possible tremendous whip lash to our necks. Each of us who reverence and worship God have been protected on many occasions, even though we may not have realized it at the time. Thank the Lord for His divine protection that you will continue to receive.

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